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Sunset Beach

Soap, Drama | 3 Seasons | Ended
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Sunset Beach is an American television soap opera that aired on NBC from January 6, 1997 to December 31, 1999. The show follows the loves and lives of the people living in the Orange County coastal area named Sunset Beach, on the coast of California. Although there is a town in California called Sunset Beach, the show's beach scenes were shot on nearby Seal Beach. The show was co-produced by NBC and Spelling Television. Sunset Beach won two Daytime Emmy Awards and was nominated another eleven times. The show also received twenty-two nominations for various other awards.

4 Seasons

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People's review rating

Positive 56%
Negative 44%

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Television Awards

5 wins 39 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Online Film & Television Association

    Best Supporting Actress in a Daytime Serial

  • Daytime Emmy Awards

    Outstanding Lighting Direction for a Drama Series

  • Daytime Emmy Awards

    Outstanding Multiple Camera Editing for a Drama Series


Awards from the Crowd

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Ranked #36 for


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  • Ranked #67 / 4,873 TV Shows

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Sunset Beach FAQ

The first air date of Sunset Beach is January 06, 1997.
The cast of Sunset Beach are Eddie Cibrian starring as Cole Deschanel, Kathleen Noone starring as Bette Katzenkazrahi, Nick Kiriazis starring as Father Antonio Torres, Lesley-Anne Down starring as Olivia Richards, Sarah Buxton starring as Annie Douglas Richards, Susan Ward starring as Meg Cummings.
On April 29, 2024, there are 2159 reactions to Sunset Beach including puzzled, hot babe, unbelievably stupid, Art Deco, cosmopolitan.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Sunset Beach is 6.9.
There are Sunset Beach seasons of the 3.
Sunset Beach is an American television soap opera that aired on NBC from January 6, 1997 to December 31, 1999. The show follows the loves and lives of the people living in the Orange County coastal area named Sunset Beach, on the coast of California. Although there is a town in California called Sunset Beach, the show's beach scenes were shot on nearby Seal Beach. The show was co-produced by NBC and Spelling Television. Sunset Beach won two Daytime Emmy Awards and was nominated another eleven times. The show also received twenty-two nominations for various other awards.
The genre of Sunset Beach is Soap,Drama.