Key visual of Thomas & Friends 4

Thomas & Friends 4

1995-10-16 | Animation,Kids | 26 episodes

25 Seasons


Granpuff (1) (1995)

The engines are having trouble getting to sleep, so Thomas tells them the story of Duke... Duke, Stuart and Falcon worked on their own little railway years ago, until hard times came forcing the line to be shut down. Stuart and Falcon are bought by other people but Duke is left alone in the shed...

Granpuff (1) poster

Sleeping Beauty (2) (1995)

Thomas tells the engines the rest of his story about Duke and how a group of people set out to save him.

Sleeping Beauty (2) poster

Bulldog (1995)

Percy is feeling rather annoyed because he has a new coat of paint and is longing for everyone and anyone to see it. So Thomas tells him the following story... Before the problems come to their railway, Falcon is doing rather well, and the manager explains to him that he is now ready to take on "The Mountain Road", a difficult part of the line, so Duke is coming along to help. Falcon is not happy about this. Falcon and Duke set off, but Falcon becomes careless and finds himself hanging on the edge of the hillside...

Bulldog poster

You Can't Win (1995)

Stuart is being rather cheeky to Duke about his old age but is taught a lesson later on that day thanks to a clever plan...

You Can't Win poster

Four Little Engines (1995)

Skarloey feels lonely when Rheneas goes away to be mended; he wishes he could be young and pull coaches again. He finally gets his chance when some stubborn coaches damage Sir Handel and he offers to take over. But he soon realizes that he is not as young as he used to be...

Four Little Engines poster


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