Key visual of Heartbeat 5

Heartbeat 5

1995-09-03 | Crime,Drama | 15 episodes

19 Seasons


Wishing Well (1995)

There is a village dance, everyone is having a good time until a group of rockers start to cause trouble, and throw what they think is a piece of lead through the window. But this ‘lead' turns out to be gold, which was part of a large amount that was stolen 7 years ago. Kate isn't feeling well and starts to get worried about her symptoms, but doesn't voice her concerns. One of Kate's patients Nettie Pickard has a wishing well in her garden, and Kate , suddenly feeling superstitious, makes a wish. Nettie's house is later trashed. The man responsible was a local councillor who was searching for the rest of the gold because he knew it was Nettie's husband who found it originally and thought it must have been hidden in the house. He is later caught digging the gold out of the well. Kate is willing the baby to arrive.

Wishing Well poster

Directed By

Tim Dowd


Lizzie Mickery

Expectations (1995)

Joe Norton is causing trouble by smashing up pots in Nick and Kate's garden. A gypsy named Flo camps just up from Greengrass' house but he doesn't take kindly to her trying to sell him some lucky heather so she puts a 'hex' on him - Claude starts to believe that its working when everything starts to go wrong for him, so he asks to be 'unhexed'! Kate gets the result of her blood test that she sent off under another name, and it's bad news, but she keeps it to herself. Joe sets fire to the gypsy's caravan, Nick catches up with him but Joe attempts to assault him during the arrest. Clothes go missing off washing lines in the area. Kate goes into labour, and once she arrives at the hospital baby Sarah is soon born, Nick is over the moon, but his hopes are suddenly dashed when Kate tells him she has leukaemia.

Expectations poster

Thief in the Night (1995)

Kate comes out of hospital with baby Sarah. The atmosphere is extremely sullen and Nick neglects his work, which doesn't go down well with Blaketon. Nick receives reports of prowlers hanging around at night, but he doesn't do anything about it. The next day Mr Copeland complains to Blaketon about Nick's inefficiency and about a tank of petrol he has had stolen. Blaketon is on the warpath and unaware of Kate's condition, goes round to the police house and tears a strip off Nick. Kate realises she can't keep it a secret any longer so Nick finally tells Phil the bad news. Blaketon feels awful for what he said and goes back to apologise. Kate is finding it difficult to cope and asks Nick to take her for a picnic in the hills. But this has disastrous repercussions when she goes down with pneumonia, which immediately worsens her condition. Emotions are running high, and by the time Kate dies everything comes to a head. After the funeral, Nick sees David Stockwell with a petrol can, realising

Thief in the Night poster

Directed By

Tim Dowd


Jane Hollowood

Domestic (1995)

Nick isn't coping very well alone with Katie, and ends up calling his Mum to come and help out for a while. Mr Dewhurst complains to Nick that his neighbour has been shooting at his cat, but later when he sees the opportunity he takes his revenge, and his neighbour ends up in hospital. Maggie suggests that Nick should think of letting Katie be fostered for a while, but he is horrified at the idea. Phil and Alf help out by baby sitting Katie, but Phil has to end up taking her with him to the station, where he has a slight accident with baby powder Claude's nephew comes to visit and arranges to take bets on a darts game. Phil persuades Nick to come out to the pub. Phil, Nick and Alf end up involved with the darts match which ends up in a brawl out side. Blaketon isn't pleased that all 3 of his men were present at an illegal darts match!

Domestic poster

Directed By

Alister Hallum


Brian Finch

Vacant Possession (1995)

Ruby asks Blaketon to dinner, they then meet on a number of other occasions, Phil and Alf enjoy teasing Nick over his mum's potential romance with Oscar! - but to Ruby's disappointment, Blaketon doesn't take the hint, and Ruby pronounces him ‘dead from the neck down'! An illiterate man , Eddie is outraged when a cottage to rent was promised to him by his Aunt but it ends up being sold. His girlfriend calls of their wedding because they don't have a house. Another man is after his girlfriend and sets out to frame Eddie for smashing several windows, but Nick eventually uncovers the truth. Greengrass tries his luck at selling some of his property, but it back fires. Auntie Eileen comes to visit, but the way Ruby sees it is that it leaves her free to go back to London, as she assumes Eileen will stay and help out for a while - which as we know, it ends up being a bit longer than that!

Vacant Possession poster

Directed By

Tom Cotter


John Stevenson



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