Key visual of Knots Landing 11

Knots Landing 11

1989-09-28 | Drama,Soap | 29 episodes

15 Seasons


Up the Spout Again (1989)

Not knowing whether to trust Greg or Ted, Paige finally chooses Ted and has him bring her home. He wants her to give him the key, but she gives him a fake one. She finds out Rick had a cabin in Spring Lake, so she drives up there. The post office is closed, so she gets a hotel room. Ted also drives up to Spring Lake and waits in a bar for the post office to open. Greg shows up with a big goon, and demands Ted give him the key. Val doesn't believe Danny is sick when he cancels a date with her, so she brings him chicken soup. She's relieved to find out he really is sick. Gary continues to talk to Sally's friend. They agree to meet. While on the phone, Gary hears a man come in and Sally's friend yelling at him to leave, and then screaming ""NO!"" and a lot of noises. Then the phone goes dead.

Up the Spout Again poster

Directed By

Jerome Courtland


Bernard Lechowick

Poetic Justice (1989)

Gary has no luck finding Sally's friend. Val tells Karen she's falling in love with Danny, but doesn't take him seriously when he proposes. Paige, Greg and Ted are in Spring Lake. Paige finds the post office box, and takes the envelope which contains Abby's original Morikame documents and negatives of Ted with Nagata. Ted hot wires a truck and follows her. Paige gets a flat tire, so she pulls into a garage to have it fixed. She hides the documents in the towel holder and jumps out the window as Ted breaks in. Greg is there too, so Paige throws the empty envelope at Ted. He takes off in the truck. Paige retrieves the real papers after Greg leaves. They stop in the road where tow trucks are pulling Ted's truck out of a lake. They think Ted drowned, but he hasn't. He flags down a car to drive him back to town.

Poetic Justice poster


Bernard Lechowick

Prince Charming (1989)

Karen is upset that Mac and Paula shared a hotel room, but he assures her nothing happened. Eric takes a job in Saudi Arabia, and asks if Linda can live with Karen. Sally's friend turns out to be Amanda, the twins' nursery school teacher. Danny and Val sleep together, and then Danny goes to Amanda's, whom he also has a relationship with. Harold and Olivia fight over their finances. Greg tells Paige he misses her and wants her to come back to work. Paige is furious that Greg sends Ted to Japan instead of having him arrested. Riding down in the elevator, Paige and Ted slap each other. Ted tells Paige she's Greg's weakness because he loves her, and she should take advantage of that.

Prince Charming poster

Directed By

Joseph L. Scanlan


Lynn Marie Latham

Close Call (1989)

Paige tells Greg she wants Abby's office, a car, and $120,000 a year. Greg agrees. Greg also pays Michael $100,000 for his computer program and gives him a job. Karen's angry that Michael accepted and quit college. Linda tells Karen she's being unsupportive. The twins ask Gary if they can live with him because they hate Danny. Paula tries to apologize to Karen for her crush on Mac, but Karen is cool towards her. Gary goes to hear Frank sing. He doesn't realize that the first singer is Amanda. He sees Amanda go to sit with Danny, and is shocked to see Danny kissing her. He follows them out to the parking lot. He hears Amanda call her dog Chester, and realizes that she is Sally's Friend.

Close Call poster

Directed By

Lawrence Kasha


James Stanley

Best Interests (1989)

Gary goes to Val's and asks Danny for Amanda's number. Danny says Amanda is his wife, which upsets Val. Danny says they've been separated for 9 months. Val tells him she wants nothing more to do with him. Amanda goes to see Gary. Paige won't go out with Greg, and he's really frustrated. Ginny takes the twins to see her friend Jeri at her office at Oakman Industries. While there, Jeri steals $17,000, and Ginny is arrested as an accessory. Oakman's attorney, Mark Baylor tells Mac they won't prosecute Jeri if she returns the money. Jeri refuses because they dissolved her pension, and says she'll only return the money if all pensions are restored. Mac thinks it's fishy that Oakman doesn't want to prosecute. Then Jeri is found splattered on the sidewalk below her apartment window.

Best Interests poster

Directed By

Jerome Courtland


Bernard Lechowick
