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Storm Stories

Documentary, Drama | 8 Seasons | Ended
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Storm Stories is a non-fiction television series aired on The Weather Channel and Zone Reality hosted and narrated by meteorologist and Storm-Tracker Jim Cantore. Storm Stories showcases various types of severe weather, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards. Each episode features a famous severe storm and had survivors sharing their experience during the storm. The program also featured real footage of the storm, but typically a re-enactment would be used because no footage is available. The videos would often play while the survivors offer their account of what is being shown. Often, TWC would air a special week dedicated to one specific type of storm.

8 Seasons

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Positive 85%
Negative 15%

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Storm Stories FAQ

There are Storm Stories seasons of the 8.
The genre of Storm Stories is Documentary,Drama.
Storm Stories is a non-fiction television series aired on The Weather Channel and Zone Reality hosted and narrated by meteorologist and Storm-Tracker Jim Cantore. Storm Stories showcases various types of severe weather, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards. Each episode features a famous severe storm and had survivors sharing their experience during the storm. The program also featured real footage of the storm, but typically a re-enactment would be used because no footage is available. The videos would often play while the survivors offer their account of what is being shown. Often, TWC would air a special week dedicated to one specific type of storm.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Storm Stories is 7.8.
On April 29, 2024, there are 496 reactions to Storm Stories including nice shooting, accomplished actor, macho man, completely illogical, jittery.
The cast of Storm Stories are Jim Cantore starring as .