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Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Mystery | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Hayata is a member of the Science Patrol, an organization tasked with investigating bizarre anomalies. He is mortally wounded when accidently encountering an alien being from Land of Light, who grants Hayata new life as the two are merged into one. Now, whenever a threat arises that is too great for the Science Patrol to handle, Hayata activates the beta capsule and becomes the hero known as Ultraman.

2 Seasons

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Ultraman FAQ

The genre of Ultraman is Action & Adventure,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Mystery.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Ultraman is 7.9.
Hayata is a member of the Science Patrol, an organization tasked with investigating bizarre anomalies. He is mortally wounded when accidently encountering an alien being from Land of Light, who grants Hayata new life as the two are merged into one. Now, whenever a threat arises that is too great for the Science Patrol to handle, Hayata activates the beta capsule and becomes the hero known as Ultraman.
The full version of Ultraman is available atprovided by Pluto TV , Vudu , Amazon Video , Tubi TV
The cast of Ultraman are Susumu Kurobe starring as Shin Hayata / Ultraman, Akiji Kobayashi starring as Captain 'Cap' Toshio Muramatsu, Sandayuu Dokumamushi starring as Daisuke Arashi, Hiroko Sakurai starring as Akiko Fuji, Masaya Nihei starring as Mitsuhiro Ide, Akihide Tsuzawa starring as Isamu Hoshino.
On May 13, 2024, there are 1445 reactions to Ultraman including first timer, quite appealing, rabid character, titan, interdimensional.
There are Ultraman seasons of the 1.