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Dusty's Trail

Western, Comedy | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Dusty's Trail is an American Western/comedy series that aired in syndication from September 1973 to March 1974 starring Bob Denver and Forrest Tucker. The series is a western-themed reworking of Gilligan's Island. The series, set in the latter 19th century, is about a small, diverse cluster of lost travelers, who become separated from their wagon train.

1 Season

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Dusty's Trail FAQ

The first air date of Dusty's Trail is September 11, 1973.
The genre of Dusty's Trail is Western,Comedy.
There are Dusty's Trail seasons of the 1.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1564 reactions to Dusty's Trail including cornball, incredibly dumb, soul-crushing, Zen, delightfully surprising.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Dusty's Trail is 5.2.
Dusty's Trail is an American Western/comedy series that aired in syndication from September 1973 to March 1974 starring Bob Denver and Forrest Tucker. The series is a western-themed reworking of Gilligan's Island. The series, set in the latter 19th century, is about a small, diverse cluster of lost travelers, who become separated from their wagon train.
The cast of Dusty's Trail are Bob Denver starring as Dusty, Forrest Tucker starring as Wagonmaster Callahan, Lori Saunders starring as Betsy, Ivor Francis starring as Mr. Carter Brookhaven, Jeannine Riley starring as Lulu McQueen, William Cort starring as Andy.