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Drama | 3 Seasons | Ended
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Crossroads is a British television soap opera set in a fictional motel near Birmingham, England. Created by Hazel Adair and Peter Ling, the commercial ITV network originally broadcast the series between 1964 and 1988. Produced by ATV and later by Central it became a byword for cheap production values, particularly in the 1970s and early 1980s. The series was revived in a glossier version by Carlton Television in 2001, but was again cancelled in 2003. The original theme tune was composed by Tony Hatch, and notably covered by Paul McCartney & Wings on their 1975 album Venus and Mars. A new version, which was first aired in 1987 when the series was relaunched as Crossroads, Kings Oak, was composed by Raf Ravenscroft and Max Early.

3 Seasons

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Crossroads FAQ

There are Crossroads seasons of the 3.
Crossroads is a British television soap opera set in a fictional motel near Birmingham, England. Created by Hazel Adair and Peter Ling, the commercial ITV network originally broadcast the series between 1964 and 1988. Produced by ATV and later by Central it became a byword for cheap production values, particularly in the 1970s and early 1980s. The series was revived in a glossier version by Carlton Television in 2001, but was again cancelled in 2003. The original theme tune was composed by Tony Hatch, and notably covered by Paul McCartney & Wings on their 1975 album Venus and Mars. A new version, which was first aired in 1987 when the series was relaunched as Crossroads, Kings Oak, was composed by Raf Ravenscroft and Max Early.
The cast of Crossroads are Kate O'Mara starring as , Jane Rossington starring as , Roger Tonge starring as , Kathy Staff starring as Doris Luke, Sue Lloyd starring as , Gabrielle Drake starring as .
The genre of Crossroads is Drama.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1690 reactions to Crossroads including overexposing, dowdy character, making a comeback, ropey, jaunty.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Crossroads is 4.4.