Key visual of Hill Street Blues 5

Hill Street Blues 5

1984-09-27 | Drama | 23 episodes

8 Seasons


Mayo, Hold the Pickle (1984)

New roll call sergeant Jablonski is called out by a woman; Mayo handles a messy assault case against an elderly couple; the impending execution of Celestine Grey upsets Furillo and Goldblume; Fay tries to help an out of town couple who've lost everything to muggers; and Laura Ann Renko is born.

Mayo, Hold the Pickle poster

Directed By

Rick Wallace


Mark Frost

Watt a Way to Go (1984)

Goldblume takes the law into his own hands when his ex-wife Rachel is raped and refuses to press charges; Belker's undercover at the Stratford Hotel ends with Calletano and the Fimpels taken hostage; Hunter tries to defend an EATer's callous remarks during the taking of a sniper; and Joyce continues to work for Celestine's life.

Watt a Way to Go poster

Directed By

Rick Wallace


David Milch

Rookie Nookie (1984)

Furillo calls Goldblume off the murder investigation of his wife's rapist; Bates has problems with an insolent rookie; Mayo and Garibaldi bust a bogus cable TV installer; Belker goes undercover in a chicken suit and is plagued by a mime; and Hunter insults a female khaki officer, who barricades herself in the john.

Rookie Nookie poster

Directed By

Gregory Hoblit


David Milch

Fowl Play (1984)

Rookie Swann kills himself after the initiation party at the Kubiak Lodge; LaRue tells Furillo about his night with a murder victim's wife; another hooker is killed by a copycat murderer; and the lieutenants quarrel over a government study grant.

Fowl Play poster

Directed By

Gregory Hoblit


Mark Frost

Bangladesh Slowly (1984)

Jablonski deals with a woman who has lost her cat; Renko suffers after a TV newswoman exposes his fondness for doughnuts; LaRue looks very bad to IAD after shooting Caroline Reynolds' former lover; Goldblume pushes to tie Buttman to the hooker killing; Washington fumes over the firing of Garfield; everyone tries a new Bengali restaurant.

Bangladesh Slowly poster

Directed By

Rick Wallace


David Milch


Featured Crew


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