Key visual of My Boys 3

My Boys 3

2009-03-30 | Comedy | 9 episodes

5 Seasons


Welcome Back, Kalla Fötter (2009)

Bobby experiences cold feet on his wedding day; P.J. gets caught in a difficult situation between Bobby and his brother (Billy Burke); Andy's new baby.

Welcome Back, Kalla Fötter poster

Private Eyes (2009)

Keeping her new boyfriend a secret from her friends proves difficult for P.J.; Brendan opens a nightclub; Mike finds good reasons to keep his moustache.

Private Eyes poster


Maggie Bandur

The Boyfriend Hat (2009)

When P.J. gets her own column in the paper, the guys tease her that she got the promotion because of her looks; Andy gives Bobby much-needed advice about women.

The Boyfriend Hat poster

Directed By

Barnet Kellman

Decathlon: Part Deux (2009)

Bobby takes exception to PJ's competitive nature during the annual gaming decathlon. Meanwhile, Stephanie uses the guys to research a new article she is writing.

Decathlon: Part Deux poster

Carpe Burritoem (2009)

Brendan comes to the notion that PJ should make all his decisions. Meanwhile, Kenny forms a new band.

Carpe Burritoem poster


Featured Crew