Key visual of NewsRadio 3

NewsRadio 3

1996-09-18 | Comedy | 25 episodes

6 Seasons


President (1996)

Mr. James decides to run for President of the United States while Lisa declares to expose all of his secrets. Matthew grows a 70's style moustache to ""get chicks"".

President poster

Directed By

Tom Cherones


Paul Simms

Review (1996)

A new coffee shop is opened on the first floor of the Criterion Building. Matthew becomes obsessed with Scott Adams' Dilbert cartoon.

Review poster

Directed By

Tom Cherones


Josh Lieb

Massage Chair (1996)

Bill leads a revolution when Mr. James eliminates free snacks in the break room. Joe gives Catherine a variety of electronic gadgets to ingratiate himself with her. Bill buys a massage chair.

Massage Chair poster

Directed By

Tom Cherones


Lewis Morton

Arcade (1996)

Dave worries that the past will repeat itself when an arcade game, Stargate Defender, is installed in the hallway. Lisa and Dave take the SATs to prove they're not getting dumber. Bill is obsessed with the stale, plastic, leathery sandwiches from a vending machine.

Arcade poster

Directed By

Tom Cherones


Brian Kelley

Halloween (1996)

Mr. James requests that the reticent staffers wear costumes to his Halloween party. Lisa convinces everyone to dress up by promising that Dave will wear the most outlandish costume ever. A psychic tells Bill the exact date of his death..36 years in the future.

Halloween poster

Directed By

Tom Cherones


Chris Marcil



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