Key visual of Party of Five 5

Party of Five 5

1998-09-16 | Drama | 25 episodes

7 Seasons


Moving On (1998)

Julia packs her bags and leaves to Stanford, while Bailey has to take off Claudia away to Massachusetts to boarding school. Meanwhile, Charlie drives Daphne crazy with his over-protectivness. Sarah and Bailey go to check out the new loft apartment. Daphne leaves.

Moving On poster

Separation Anxiety (1998)

Sarah receives a terrible news – her parents have separated. Claudia feels like a nerd in the school, but as time passes she realizes that being smart is not a bad thing after all. Charlie goes to a lawyer to ask about parental rights during the fact that Daphne has returned and ends up with a new job. Julia realizes she has feelings for Josh.

Separation Anxiety poster


Tammy Ader

Naming Names (1998)

Julia and Griffin have a little game going on - they both lie to each other, In the meantime, Charlie is very happy to find out that he is going to have a baby, but Daphne is total opposite. Sarah is shocked to find out that her biological mother died in a plane crash. Claudia tries to lead a normal perfect life.

Naming Names poster

Directed By

Steven Robman


Amy Lippman

A Mid-Semester's Night Dream (1998)

Charlie and Daphne make peace between each other and Daphne confides to him that she is scared. Julia tries to stay away from Ned after their recent kiss, but she ends up in his arms. Maggie suspects that something is happening to Will when he begins to act strangely.

A Mid-Semester's Night Dream poster

Directed By

Adam Nimoy


Amy Lippman

The Baby (1998)

Daphne collapses and is taken to the hospital, where she and Charlie are have to decide between a premature birth or Daphne dying. Meanwhile, Sarah and Bailey kick out Will and instead let Hannah stay with them. Sarah is shocked when Bailey gives Hannah money for an abortion.

The Baby poster

Directed By

Steven Robman


Featured Crew


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