Key visual of Farscape 1

Farscape 1

1999-03-19 | Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Action & Adventure,Drama | 22 episodes
As season one begins, Astronaut and astrophysicist John Crichton becomes stranded on the other side of the universe when his Farscape module goes through a wormhole. He is taken in by the misfit alien passengers of the sentient ship Moya, a spacecraft that happens to be on the run from the militaristic “Peacekeepers.” Unfortunately, while the ship is docked and making repairs, Crichton tangles with a captive Peacekeeper named Aeryn --a beautiful and volatile woman who alerts her captain about the Moya, putting everyone on board in danger.

6 Seasons


Premiere (1999)

Astronaut John Crichton attempts to use the Earth's atmosphere to propel his module at high speeds. He is hit by a radiation wave and is sucked through a wormhole into a distant part of the universe--straight into the middle of a space battle.

Premiere poster

Directed By

Andrew Prowse


Rockne S. O'Bannon

Exodus from Genesis (1999)

Moya gets infested with bugs who have come on board to breed. They turn up the temperature to speed up the process but this causes Aeryn to get heat delirium as she is cold blooded. The bugs seem to be able to replicate members of the crew. And as if that isn't enough, a peacekeeper ship shows up.

Exodus from Genesis poster

Directed By

Rowan Woods


Ro Hume

Back and Back and Back to the Future (1999)

The crew come across a ship that is molecularly de-stabilizing. D'Argo makes everyone bring it aboard when he discovers that there are Ilanics on board. Crichton goes on to the escape pod he gets a shock and starts experiencing strange visions of the future, firstly of himself and Matala, then of Moya's destruction.

Back and Back and Back to the Future poster

Directed By

Rowan Woods


Babs Greyhosky

Throne for a Loss (1999)

A group of Tavleks come aboard for trade negotiations. Rygel takes a vitally important crystal from Moya to make himself seem wealthy. The Tavleks kidnap Rygel and take him down to the planet, leaving one of their wounded on board. Everyone goes to the surface to get him except Zhaan who stays on board to keep an eye on the Tavlek left behind.

Throne for a Loss poster

Directed By

Pino Amenta


Richard Manning

PK Tech Girl (1999)

The crew find an old abandoned peacekeeper ship adrift in space, on board they discover that Crais was there recently where he deposited a unit of techs to make repairs. Meanwhile Rygel learns that this was the ship where he was first held captive and starts getting paranoid. Things get even worse though when a group of fire breathing aliens show up.

PK Tech Girl poster

Directed By

Pino Amenta


Sally Lapiduss


Featured Crew


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