Key visual of American Chopper 7

American Chopper 7

2018-03-02 | Reality | 8 episodes
The Teutuls have been on a wild ride, and it certainly isn't ending any time soon. Paul Sr. has revamped Orange County Choppers - turning it into a complex with a shop, café, bowling alley, restaurant and of course, the showroom - and while OCC has a new look, the crew's antics and endless pranks remain. Meanwhile, Paul Jr. is encountering all new stresses and challenges with a family of his own. Still, though their lives have evolved, the guys' commitment to building the most incredible bikes in existence has never faded - Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. even take steps towards mending their relationship, working together for the first time in 10 years.

9 Seasons


Welcome Back (2018)

Ten years after the demise of their rocky partnership, custom motorcycle builders Paul Sr. and his son Paul Jr., are forging ahead with their own shops and separate lives. Senior struggles to meet a deadline, while Junior finds a chance to rebuild a bike

Welcome Back poster

Getting the Bike Back Together (2018)

The OCC crew builds one of their fastest bikes ever but a problem with the supercharger threatens the schedule. Junior races to complete a complicated bike for a client. Father and son find it hard to let go of the past while restoring a bike together.

Getting the Bike Back Together poster

A New Chopter (2018)

Senior confronts Junior about the harsh words Junior wrote in his book. Senior closes a game-changing deal with an exotic car dealership to sell OCC bikes directly to the public and Junior's simple mistake leads to destruction in the shop.

A New Chopter poster

Metal Health (2018)

The OCC crew is pushed to their limit when they build a pair of contrasting bikes for a client. Junior designs an ethanol-fueled motorcycle and struggles with during assembly. Junior makes a change to the Yankees bike design, and Senior confronts him.

Metal Health poster

GTO, Bro! (2018)

OCC builds a bike inspired by a 1965 GTO, but this massive job may cause Senior to miss the first deadline of his career. When Junior designs a bike for a corporate client, changes in fabrication throw a wrench in the schedule.

GTO, Bro! poster
