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The Replacements

Animation | 2 Seasons | Ended
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Two orphans, Riley and little brother Todd, answer an ad for Fleemco Replacement People and order new parents, a spy mother and daredevil father. As Riley and Todd go on adventures (or misadventures as it were), they team up with Conrad Fleem to replace any adult in their lives that they don't like, but they don't get to choose the replacements and sometimes their good intentions don't work out as they planned

2 Seasons

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Positive 49%
Negative 51%

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0 wins 1 nominations
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  • Annie Awards

    Best Storyboarding in an Animated Television Production


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The Replacements FAQ

The first air date of The Replacements is May 28, 2007.
There are The Replacements seasons of the 2.
Two orphans, Riley and little brother Todd, answer an ad for Fleemco Replacement People and order new parents, a spy mother and daredevil father. As Riley and Todd go on adventures (or misadventures as it were), they team up with Conrad Fleem to replace any adult in their lives that they don't like, but they don't get to choose the replacements and sometimes their good intentions don't work out as they planned
The cast of The Replacements are Grey DeLisle starring as , Nancy Cartwright starring as , Daran Norris starring as , David McCallum starring as , Kath Soucie starring as , Jeff Bennett starring as .
On April 29, 2024, there are 1471 reactions to The Replacements including inside the head, distinct personality, perfectly fine, plain bad, kiddie.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to The Replacements is 5.8.
The full version of The Replacements is available atprovided by Apple iTunes , Disney Plus , Mhz Choice