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Animation, Comedy | 3 Seasons | Ended
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Pelswick is an animated television series produced by Nelvana for CBC Television in Canada and the Nickelodeon cable channel in the United States. The series is about a teenage boy who uses a wheelchair, emphasized how he lived a normal life and was based on the books created by John Callahan. It aired during Nick on CBS on September 14, 2002, then ended in November the same year.

3 Seasons

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Negative 36%

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Pelswick FAQ

There are Pelswick seasons of the 3.
The full version of Pelswick is available atprovided by Tubi TV , Amazon Video
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Pelswick is 6.8.
The cast of Pelswick are David Arquette starring as Mr. Jimmy, Rob Tinkler starring as , Chuck Campbell starring as , David Huband starring as , Peter Oldring starring as , Tracey Moore starring as .
Pelswick is an animated television series produced by Nelvana for CBC Television in Canada and the Nickelodeon cable channel in the United States. The series is about a teenage boy who uses a wheelchair, emphasized how he lived a normal life and was based on the books created by John Callahan. It aired during Nick on CBS on September 14, 2002, then ended in November the same year.
The first air date of Pelswick is October 02, 2000.
The genre of Pelswick is Animation,Comedy.