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The Jury

Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Set in New York City, the series brings the viewer into the jury room to watch the deliberators try to answer the many questions posed during a trial. As facts are exposed through flashbacks of testimony and crime footage, viewers will form their own opinions about the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Following each verdict, a final flashback will let viewers see the crime as it actually happened and reveal whether or not the jury made the right decision.

1 Season

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The Jury FAQ

The cast of The Jury are Billy Burke starring as John Ranguso, Adam Busch starring as Steve Dixon, Cote de Pablo starring as Marguerite Cisneros, Anna Friel starring as Megan Delaney, Shalom Harlow starring as Melissa Greenfield, Jeff Hephner starring as Keenan O'Brien.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to The Jury is 7.0.
The first air date of The Jury is June 08, 2004.
The director of The Jury is Jim Finnerty.
Set in New York City, the series brings the viewer into the jury room to watch the deliberators try to answer the many questions posed during a trial. As facts are exposed through flashbacks of testimony and crime footage, viewers will form their own opinions about the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Following each verdict, a final flashback will let viewers see the crime as it actually happened and reveal whether or not the jury made the right decision.
There are The Jury seasons of the 1.
The genre of The Jury is Drama.