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Mr. Sunshine

| 1 Seasons | Ended
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Mr. Sunshine is the title of an American sitcom that aired on the ABC network for a season beginning in 1986. The series followed the trials and tribulations of Paul Stark, a blind university professor. Co-stars were Barbara Babcock and Leonard Frey. The series was controversial during its run, attracting criticism from interest groups claiming that Mr. Sunshine poked fun at the visually impaired by using the lead character's disability as a focus for much of the show's humor. Supporters of the series said the show treated the character and the disability respectfully.

1 Season

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Positive 67%
Negative 33%

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Mr. Sunshine FAQ

On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Mr. Sunshine is 6.6.
There are Mr. Sunshine seasons of the 1.
The first air date of Mr. Sunshine is March 28, 1986.
Mr. Sunshine is the title of an American sitcom that aired on the ABC network for a season beginning in 1986. The series followed the trials and tribulations of Paul Stark, a blind university professor. Co-stars were Barbara Babcock and Leonard Frey. The series was controversial during its run, attracting criticism from interest groups claiming that Mr. Sunshine poked fun at the visually impaired by using the lead character's disability as a focus for much of the show's humor. Supporters of the series said the show treated the character and the disability respectfully.
The cast of Mr. Sunshine are Leonard Frey starring as , Jeffrey Tambor starring as , Barbara Babcock starring as , Nan Martin starring as Grace D'Angelo, Cecilia Hart starring as .