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Lenny Henry in Pieces

Comedy | 2 Seasons | Ended
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Lenny Henry in Pieces was a British stand-up and sketch show by comedians Lenny Henry and Gina Yashere. It aired on BBC One between 2000 and 2003. The show began with two Christmas specials in 2000 and 2001. The 2000 show won the Golden Rose of Montreux award. This was followed up by a six-part series in March 2002. A second and final series consisting of seven episodes began in March 2003. It was followed by The Lenny Henry Show, which also featured sketches. The primary feature of the show is the sketches, although Henry has a brief stand-up section in each episode.

3 Seasons

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People's review rating

Positive 70%
Negative 30%

639 TV Shows Tastes Related to Lenny Henry in Pieces

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Television Awards

1 wins 2 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Rose d'Or Light Entertainment Festival

    Golden Rose

  • International Emmy Awards

    Popular Arts - Scripted


Awards from the Crowd

639 prompts ranked by the crowd
Ranked #3 for
Ranked #370 for
Ranked #567 for


Acting & Cast


Featured Crew

155 Tastes Related to the Featured Crew

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Lenny Henry in Pieces FAQ

The cast of Lenny Henry in Pieces are Alison Steadman starring as , Lenny Henry starring as .
On April 29, 2024, there are 639 reactions to Lenny Henry in Pieces including losing interest quickly, completely insane, bit messy, frenetic pace, piqued.
The first air date of Lenny Henry in Pieces is December 30, 2000.
The genre of Lenny Henry in Pieces is Comedy.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Lenny Henry in Pieces is 7.6.
There are Lenny Henry in Pieces seasons of the 2.