Key visual of The Pallisers 1

The Pallisers 1

1974-01-19 | Drama | 26 episodes

2 Seasons


Can You Forgive Her? (1) (1974)

We come in on a garden party at Gatherum Castle hosted by the Duke of Omnium. We are introduced to Glencora M'Cluskie and Plantagenet Palliser, both of whom are occupied with the person who currently holds their affections. Unfortunately, the obstacles to their achieving their goals include their station in life and their respective guardians. These guardians concoct a scheme to force them together and eventually to marriage. As the episode ends Plantagenet has adjusted to the situation, but has Glencora?

Can You Forgive Her? (1) poster

Directed By

Hugh David

Can You Forgive Her? (2) (1974)

After an opening wedding sequence, we follow the Pallisers on their honeymoon to Switzerland, where Glencora can't hide her unhappiness. The Vavasors are also in Switzerland, with John Grey, whom Alice is reluctantly engaged to. We learn that George and Alice were once engaged to be married. Thus begins the parallel stories of Glencora and Alice and their attraction to men who bring that whiff of romantic danger to their lives. As this episode draws to a close, we enter that world that Trollope was so good at revealing. The down and dirty world of borough politics, where the machinations of gaining a seat in Parliament require stamina and very deep pockets.

Can You Forgive Her? (2) poster

Directed By

Hugh David

Can You Forgive Her? (3) (1974)

Alice comes to stay at Matching to keep Glencora company. We are introduced to the bigwig end of the Liberal Party, especially the delightful presence of the Duke of St Bungay. Lady Monk, who is Burgo's aunt, plots with him so that he may steal away with Glencora just after Christmas. Even though Glencora tells Plantagenet outright why they should not go to Monk's he seems both obtuse and trusting in insisting that they will go. Alice writes to John Grey breaking off her engagement and George wastes no time in making his desires for Alice known. Having seen how unhappy Glencora is Alice follows her heart and agrees to marry George. Her family strongly disapproves. Glencora succeeds in getting a cold, thus missing the meeting at Monkshade and putting off, for awhile, her moment of decision. As the episode proceeds we become aware that Alice and Glencora's money is at least as important to George and Burgo as their love.

Can You Forgive Her? (3) poster

Directed By

Hugh David

Can You Forgive Her? (4) (1974)

Alice's grandfather begins to ease his feelings toward George, but her father remains adamantly opposed. He even goes so far as to enlist Mr Grey in helping to protect her interests. This becomes more important as Alice is preparing to give 3000 pounds to George to aid his campaign to win the Chelsea seat, which has just come open. As the episode progresses, he finally captures the special election. Now that Parliament is back in session the Palliser's have returned to London and we see just how able Plantagenet is on the floor of the House. Alice's defense of Glencora, and Plantagenet reaction to it begin to give Glencora a hint of the fact that her husband cares for her more than she realized. Unfortunately, Squire Vavasor's health takes a turn for the worse and Alice is called back to Scotland just when Glencora will need her help the most. At a ball hosted by the Monk's the long avoided reunion of Glencora and Burgo occurs on the dance floor. He begs her to run away with him.

Can You Forgive Her? (4) poster

Directed By

Hugh David

Can You Forgive Her? (5) (1974)

Glencora makes her feelings known to Plantagenet, again his response surprises her. Squire Vavasor has passed away and George assumes that he will, at last, come into his own, but his past actions have forced the Squire to expunge him from his will. George, seeing the disaster that is on the horizon, reacts with the violence that is his nature. When George learns that it is John Grey's money that has financed his election his mood worsens. The Liberals are prepared to make Plantagenet the Chancellor of the Exchequer, his lifelong goal. Knowing what is most important to his future happiness, he is forced to refuse. John Grey begins to show Alice that he has an inner strength and resolve in his affection for her that may help her to overcome her self recriminations. Glencora is bowled over by Plantagenet's choice and asks Alice to go with them on their trip to the continent. Burgo makes one last attempt to win Glencora and her choice is a heartrending one. We end with the final r

Can You Forgive Her? (5) poster

Directed By

Hugh David
