Key visual of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 2 Seasons | Ended
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Rocky Jones, Space Ranger was a syndicated science fiction television serial originally broadcast in 1954. The show lasted for only two seasons and, though syndicated sporadically, dropped into obscurity. Because it was recorded on film rather than being broadcast live as were most other TV space operas of the day, it has survived in reasonably good condition. The film format also allowed more elaborate special effects and sets, exterior scenes, and much better continuity.

2 Seasons

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Negative 43%

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Rocky Jones, Space Ranger FAQ

There are Rocky Jones, Space Ranger seasons of the 2.
The cast of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger are Richard Crane starring as , Sally Mansfield starring as , Scotty Beckett starring as , Robert Lyden starring as , Maurice Cass starring as , Charles Meredith starring as .
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Rocky Jones, Space Ranger is 5.6.
The full version of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger is available atprovided by Tubi TV , The Roku Channel
The genre of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger is Action & Adventure,Sci-Fi & Fantasy.
The first air date of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger is February 23, 1954.
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger was a syndicated science fiction television serial originally broadcast in 1954. The show lasted for only two seasons and, though syndicated sporadically, dropped into obscurity. Because it was recorded on film rather than being broadcast live as were most other TV space operas of the day, it has survived in reasonably good condition. The film format also allowed more elaborate special effects and sets, exterior scenes, and much better continuity.