Key visual of Life on Earth 1

Life on Earth 1

1979-01-16 | Documentary | 13 episodes

2 Seasons


The Infinite Variety (1979)

This episode explores the variety of nature as a whole, from the South American rainforest's to the shores of Australia.

The Infinite Variety poster

Building Bodies (1979)

This episode explores the various sea-living invertebrates, form the shores of Morocco to Delaware Bay.

Building Bodies poster

The First Forests (1979)

Over 400 million years ago, tiny plants began to invade the land, followed by the first animals - the ancestors of scorpions, millipedes and insects

The First Forests poster

The Swarming Hordes (1979)

The role of a few of the millions of insect species, some of which have developed extremely close relationships with plants. Insects pollinate flowers and in some cases neither flower nor insect can survive without the other.

The Swarming Hordes poster

Conquest of the Waters (1979)

A look at some of the 30,000 species of fish which exist in populations of billions. They can fly, produce electricity, survive in hot soda lakes or under the Antarctic ice. Some, like the salmon, even migrate across oceans and up waterfalls

Conquest of the Waters poster


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