Key visual of Adventure Time 7

Adventure Time 7

2015-11-02 | Animation,Comedy,Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 26 episodes
Main story arcs for this season include Bubblegum adjusting to life in exile and eventually reclaiming the Candy Kingdom crown, and Marceline coming to terms with her vampiric nature.

11 Seasons


Bonnie and Neddy (2015)

The greed of the King of Ooo leads to a crisis in the Candy Kingdom, and (ex-) Princess Bubblegum has to return briefly from exile to deal with it.

Bonnie and Neddy poster

Varmints (2015)

Bubblegum turns to Marceline's help when something threatens the citizens of her homestead.

Varmints poster

Cherry Cream Soda (2015)

The arrival of a visitor causes Cherry Cream Soda's life to fall flat.

Cherry Cream Soda poster

Mama Said (2015)

The loyalty of Finn and Jake comes into question when the King of Ooo orders them to intercept a flying mushroom.

Mama Said poster

Football (2015)

BMO and Football decide upon a deal, but one of them cannot keep up their end of the bargain.

Football poster



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