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Drama, Crime, Mystery | 1 Seasons | Canceled
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Kojak is an American television series starring Ving Rhames, airing on the USA Network cable channel, and on ITV4 in the United Kingdom. It was a reimagined version of the 1973-1978 series starring Telly Savalas. Rhames portrays Lieutenant Theo Kojak of the New York City Police Department, a skilled plain clothes detective with a shaved head and an affinity for jazz, fine clothing, and lollipops. As with the original series, he is fond of the catchphrase "Who loves ya, baby?" The series lasted for one season.

1 Season

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People's review rating

Positive 58%
Negative 42%

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Television Awards

0 wins 3 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Black Reel Awards

    Best Actor - Television

  • Black Reel Awards

    Best Actress - Television

  • Black Reel Awards

    Outstanding Television or Mini-Series Film


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Ranked #162 for


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Kojak photo 1

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  • Ranked #1,939 / 6,621 TV Shows

  • Ranked #3,079 / 17,021 TV Shows

  • Ranked #3,412 / 19,253 TV Shows

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Kojak FAQ

On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Kojak is 5.7.
There are Kojak seasons of the 1.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1235 reactions to Kojak including style and substance, cool dude, paragon, sleek, terribly disappointing.
The full version of Kojak is available atprovided by Tubi TV
Kojak is an American television series starring Ving Rhames, airing on the USA Network cable channel, and on ITV4 in the United Kingdom. It was a reimagined version of the 1973-1978 series starring Telly Savalas. Rhames portrays Lieutenant Theo Kojak of the New York City Police Department, a skilled plain clothes detective with a shaved head and an affinity for jazz, fine clothing, and lollipops. As with the original series, he is fond of the catchphrase "Who loves ya, baby?" The series lasted for one season.
The genre of Kojak is Drama,Crime,Mystery.
The first air date of Kojak is March 25, 2005.