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Nonni und Manni

Family, Action & Adventure | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Nonni and Manni is a children's television series produced as a joint venture between Iceland and West Germany. It debuted on 26 December 1988 on West Germany's ZDF channel and lasted for six episodes with the last one being aired on 1 January 1989. The story was based on the eponymous book written by the popular Icelandic children's author Jón Sveinsson, nicknamed "Nonni", who had written several books inspired by his own experiences of growing up alongside his brother Ármann, nicknamed "Manni". The filming for the series took place in Iceland, West Germany and Norway.

1 Season

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Nonni und Manni FAQ

The first air date of Nonni und Manni is December 26, 1988.
The genre of Nonni und Manni is Family,Action & Adventure.
Nonni and Manni is a children's television series produced as a joint venture between Iceland and West Germany. It debuted on 26 December 1988 on West Germany's ZDF channel and lasted for six episodes with the last one being aired on 1 January 1989. The story was based on the eponymous book written by the popular Icelandic children's author Jón Sveinsson, nicknamed "Nonni", who had written several books inspired by his own experiences of growing up alongside his brother Ármann, nicknamed "Manni". The filming for the series took place in Iceland, West Germany and Norway.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Nonni und Manni is 8.1.
The cast of Nonni und Manni are Lisa Harrow starring as Sigrid Jonsdottir (Mutter), Klaus Grünberg starring as , Stuart Wilson starring as , Sverre Anker Ousdal starring as , Garðar Thór Cortes starring as Nonni Svensson, Luc Merenda starring as .
On May 13, 2024, there are 889 reactions to Nonni und Manni including close call, irated, new chapter, twist of fate, dapper.