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Chamber Quintet

Comedy | 5 Seasons | Ended
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Hahamishia Hakamerit was a weekly Israeli satirical sketch comedy television program created by Asaf Tzipor, who was also the main writer of the show, and Eitan Tzur, who directed the entire run of the show. Hahamishia Hakamerit was broadcast on Israeli Channel 2 and Israeli Channel 1 between the years 1993-1997. Later on, reruns of the show were broadcast on the cable channel Bip. The show's often surreal skits were characterized by a satirical point of view which did not spare the audience sensitive subjects such as politics, national security, the Holocaust and sex. Another characteristic of the show's sketches was that occasionally they had an unclear point or punch line. Following the success of the show, similar sketch comedy programs were produced on Israeli television. Unlike Hahamishia Hakamerit's humor, these subsequent shows followed a line much closer to the consensus.

5 Seasons

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Negative 25%

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Chamber Quintet FAQ

Hahamishia Hakamerit was a weekly Israeli satirical sketch comedy television program created by Asaf Tzipor, who was also the main writer of the show, and Eitan Tzur, who directed the entire run of the show. Hahamishia Hakamerit was broadcast on Israeli Channel 2 and Israeli Channel 1 between the years 1993-1997. Later on, reruns of the show were broadcast on the cable channel Bip. The show's often surreal skits were characterized by a satirical point of view which did not spare the audience sensitive subjects such as politics, national security, the Holocaust and sex. Another characteristic of the show's sketches was that occasionally they had an unclear point or punch line. Following the success of the show, similar sketch comedy programs were produced on Israeli television. Unlike Hahamishia Hakamerit's humor, these subsequent shows followed a line much closer to the consensus.
On April 29, 2024, there are 573 reactions to Chamber Quintet including most sophisticated, less impressive, well-educated character, remotely funny, ostentatious.
The cast of Chamber Quintet are Rami Heuberger starring as , Keren Mor starring as , Menashe Noy starring as , Shai Avivi starring as , Dov Navon starring as .
The genre of Chamber Quintet is Comedy.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Chamber Quintet is 8.3.