Key visual of Ghost Adventures 13

Ghost Adventures 13

2016-09-24 | Reality | 13 episodes

23 Seasons


Colorado Gold Mine (2016)

Ghost Adventures Crew travel to Idaho Springs to investigate the haunted Phoenix Gold Mine, where a brutal murder took place and a malevolent spirit called "Tommyknocker" is known to roam the deep tunnels.

Colorado Gold Mine poster

Mackay Mansion (2016)

A return to Virginia City, Nev., to investigate two properties once owned by the legendary mining tycoon John Mackay. An intense lockdown for the crew is highlighted by Jay being pushed down a flight of stairs and more.

Mackay Mansion poster

Palace Saloon (2016)

The GAC travel to Prescott, Arizona to investigate the Palace Saloon, one of the most lavish saloons in Arizona, to look for spirits that died in high-stakes gambling related murders.

Palace Saloon poster

Reseda House of Evil (2016)

The GAC head to Los Angeles in order to investigate a home plagued with demonic activity. During the investigation, Billy gets severely affected by a demonic presence.

Reseda House of Evil poster

Dorothea Puente Murder House (2016)

The GAC are called to Sacramento, California to investigate the boardhouse operated by Dorothea Puente, a prolific serial killer who killed her clients when they were in need in exchange for cash.

Dorothea Puente Murder House poster



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