Key visual of The Project 3

The Project 3

2011-01-03 | News,Comedy | 141 episodes

15 Seasons


2011.01.03 (2011)

Queensland Under water, Sea Shepherd whaling War, What does 2011 have in store for us all? and re-gifting the does and dont's of re-wrapping.

2011.01.03 poster

2011.01.04 (2011)

retailers up in arms - will the internet kill jobs at your local store?, Is an ABBA reunion worth a billion dollars?, The Barmy Army doing it tough, and are we ready for an early easter?

2011.01.04 poster

2011.01.05 (2011)

Are late night jobs putting young employees lives in danger? How the fine print on your insurance policy could leave you stranded, the health condition affecting millions of Australians and they might not even know it, and how wearing glasses could win you the job.

2011.01.05 poster

2011.01.06 (2011)

Hoges Vs the government a win for him could cost us big, food wastage in Australia : Why are some still going hungry?, Birds literally dropping out of the sky, and Kate reveals her wedding day route.

2011.01.06 poster

2011.01.07 (2011)

2011.01.07 poster
