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G.I. Joe: Resolute

Action & Adventure, Animation, War & Politics | 1 Seasons | Ended
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G.I. Joe: Resolute is an animated television series based on the G.I. Joe franchise. It was written by Warren Ellis, directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, and produced by Sam Register. The series debuted on the web at Adult Swim Video April 18, 2009, with a Content Rating of TV-14-V, and premiered in its entirety on air on Canadian television network Teletoon on April 24, 2009. In the United States, the series aired on Adult Swim April 26, 2009. Resolute departs from recent depictions of futuristic technology, adopting a more realistic aesthetic. The series has been described as a more "mature" take on the franchise. The film uses elements from both the cartoons and the comics, and is described by Warren Ellis as a "fusion".

2 Seasons

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G.I. Joe: Resolute FAQ

G.I. Joe: Resolute is an animated television series based on the G.I. Joe franchise. It was written by Warren Ellis, directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, and produced by Sam Register. The series debuted on the web at Adult Swim Video April 18, 2009, with a Content Rating of TV-14-V, and premiered in its entirety on air on Canadian television network Teletoon on April 24, 2009. In the United States, the series aired on Adult Swim April 26, 2009. Resolute departs from recent depictions of futuristic technology, adopting a more realistic aesthetic. The series has been described as a more "mature" take on the franchise. The film uses elements from both the cartoons and the comics, and is described by Warren Ellis as a "fusion".
The first air date of G.I. Joe: Resolute is April 17, 2009.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to G.I. Joe: Resolute is 7.5.
The genre of G.I. Joe: Resolute is Action & Adventure,Animation,War & Politics.
The director of G.I. Joe: Resolute is Brian Goldner.
The cast of G.I. Joe: Resolute are Grey DeLisle starring as , Charlie Adler starring as , Eric Bauza starring as , Steve Blum starring as .
On May 13, 2024, there are 1609 reactions to G.I. Joe: Resolute including too bright, excessively violent, truncate, pure enjoyment, huge improvement.
There are G.I. Joe: Resolute seasons of the 1.