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Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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The title of the bestselling 1978 novel by Judith Krantz is the name of an ultra-chic Bevery Hills boutique that rags-to-riches Billy Ikehorn (Lindsay Wagner) established to fill the void left in her life by the illness of her elderly tycoon husband (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.) and his subsequent death. To help make Scruples what it has become, Billy had brought in top fashion photographer Spider Elliott (Barry Bostwick) and fashion designer Valentine O'Neill (Marie-France Pisier), and it is the intertwined lives and romances that propel this sumptuous but sudsy saga.

1 Season

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Scruples FAQ

On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Scruples is 6.6.
The title of the bestselling 1978 novel by Judith Krantz is the name of an ultra-chic Bevery Hills boutique that rags-to-riches Billy Ikehorn (Lindsay Wagner) established to fill the void left in her life by the illness of her elderly tycoon husband (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.) and his subsequent death. To help make Scruples what it has become, Billy had brought in top fashion photographer Spider Elliott (Barry Bostwick) and fashion designer Valentine O'Neill (Marie-France Pisier), and it is the intertwined lives and romances that propel this sumptuous but sudsy saga.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1203 reactions to Scruples including roguish, campy fun, scintillating, clownish, urbane.
The cast of Scruples are Lindsay Wagner starring as Billy Ikehorn, Barry Bostwick starring as Spider Elliott, Marie-France Pisier starring as Valentine O'Neill, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. starring as Ellis Ikehorn, Connie Stevens starring as Maggie McGregor, Nick Mancuso starring as Vito Orsini.
The first air date of Scruples is February 25, 1980.
There are Scruples seasons of the 1.