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Animation, Comedy, Drama | 2 Seasons | Ended
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Tomoya Okazaki is a third year high school student resentful of his life. His mother passed away from a car accident when he was younger, causing his father to resort to alcohol and cigarettes. This results in fights between the two until Tomoya's shoulder is injured in a fight. Since then, Tomoya has had distant relationships with his father, causing him to become a delinquent over time. While on a walk to school, he meets a strange girl named Nagisa Furukawa who is a year older, but is repeating due to illness. Due to this, she is often alone as most of her friends have moved on. The two begin hanging out and slowly, as time goes by, Tomoya finds his life shifting in a new direction. Anime based on a popular visual novel game.

3 Seasons

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Negative 41%


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Clannad FAQ

The first air date of Clannad is October 05, 2007.
There are Clannad seasons of the 2.
The certification of Clannad is TV-PG.
The genre of Clannad is Animation,Comedy,Drama.
Tomoya Okazaki is a third year high school student resentful of his life. His mother passed away from a car accident when he was younger, causing his father to resort to alcohol and cigarettes. This results in fights between the two until Tomoya's shoulder is injured in a fight. Since then, Tomoya has had distant relationships with his father, causing him to become a delinquent over time. While on a walk to school, he meets a strange girl named Nagisa Furukawa who is a year older, but is repeating due to illness. Due to this, she is often alone as most of her friends have moved on. The two begin hanging out and slowly, as time goes by, Tomoya finds his life shifting in a new direction. Anime based on a popular visual novel game.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Clannad is 7.8.
The full version of Clannad is available atprovided by Apple iTunes , Google Play Movies , Vudu , Microsoft Store , HiDive
On April 29, 2024, there are 2007 reactions to Clannad including quite satisfying, highly emotional, leaving wonders, euphoric character, sense of closure.