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The Larkins

Comedy | 6 Seasons | Ended
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'The Larkins' is a British television sitcom which was produced by Associated Television and aired on ITV. It aired for four series between 1958 to 1960. An additional two series aired from 1963 to 1964.

6 Seasons

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People's review rating

Positive 51%
Negative 49%

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The Larkins FAQ

On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to The Larkins is 7.4.
'The Larkins' is a British television sitcom which was produced by Associated Television and aired on ITV. It aired for four series between 1958 to 1960. An additional two series aired from 1963 to 1964.
The genre of The Larkins is Comedy.
The cast of The Larkins are David Jackson starring as , Victor Maddern starring as , Charles Lloyd Pack starring as , David Kossoff starring as , Peggy Mount starring as Ada Larkin, Hugh Walters starring as .
On May 13, 2024, there are 335 reactions to The Larkins including churlish, frightful, excellently portrayal, highly improbable, wonderfully portrayed.
The first air date of The Larkins is September 19, 1958.