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The Brack Report

Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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After an earthquake causes some damage to a nuclear power station, one of the chief nuclear physicists, Paul Brack, starts to investigate the safety procedures and policies of the station. He is dismayed to discover that there is a lack of real safety processes at the station, and quits his job in disgust. His disillusionment puts a strain on his relationship with his wife, Pat, a fellow researcher and academic. Through a mutual friend, Brack meets and begins to work for energy consultant Harold Harlan, with hopes that Harlan can highlight the issue of nuclear safety, and explore alternative energy sources. Unfortunately Harlan has his own plans for how he can use Brack.

1 Season

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The Brack Report FAQ

After an earthquake causes some damage to a nuclear power station, one of the chief nuclear physicists, Paul Brack, starts to investigate the safety procedures and policies of the station. He is dismayed to discover that there is a lack of real safety processes at the station, and quits his job in disgust. His disillusionment puts a strain on his relationship with his wife, Pat, a fellow researcher and academic. Through a mutual friend, Brack meets and begins to work for energy consultant Harold Harlan, with hopes that Harlan can highlight the issue of nuclear safety, and explore alternative energy sources. Unfortunately Harlan has his own plans for how he can use Brack.
The genre of The Brack Report is Drama.
The cast of The Brack Report are Donald Sumpter starring as Paul Brack, Patricia Garwood starring as Pat Brack, Jenny Seagrove starring as Angela Brack, Robert Lang starring as Harold Harlan, Neil Nisbet starring as Oliver Brack, Toria Fuller starring as Sophie Ferris.
The first air date of The Brack Report is April 06, 1982.
On April 29, 2024, there are 25 reactions to The Brack Report including confrontational, combative, less impressive, turn your brain off, early childhood.
There are The Brack Report seasons of the 1.