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Mister Eleven

Drama, Comedy | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Mister Eleven is an ITV romantic drama starring Michelle Ryan and Sean Maguire. The two-part series was broadcast on 11 and 18 December 2009. It also stars Adam Garcia, Lynda Bellingham, Olivia Colman and Denis Lawson. It is written by Shameless writer Amanda Coe. Mister Eleven was released on DVD in February 2010.

1 Season

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Positive 47%
Negative 53%

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Mister Eleven FAQ

The genre of Mister Eleven is Drama,Comedy.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1114 reactions to Mister Eleven including looker , undesirable character, bit wooden, boy next door, for rom-com lovers.
Mister Eleven is an ITV romantic drama starring Michelle Ryan and Sean Maguire. The two-part series was broadcast on 11 and 18 December 2009. It also stars Adam Garcia, Lynda Bellingham, Olivia Colman and Denis Lawson. It is written by Shameless writer Amanda Coe. Mister Eleven was released on DVD in February 2010.
The first air date of Mister Eleven is December 11, 2009.
There are Mister Eleven seasons of the 1.
The cast of Mister Eleven are Michelle Ryan starring as Saz Paley, Sean Maguire starring as Dan, Adam Garcia starring as Alex, Olivia Colman starring as Beth, Lynda Bellingham starring as Shirley, Denis Lawson starring as Len.