Key visual of Ancient Aliens 19

Ancient Aliens 19

2023-01-06 | Documentary,Mystery,Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 8 episodes

20 Seasons


The Hotspot Connection (2023)

Studies have shown that up to 70% of all UFO sightings happen in so-called ‘hotspots’ where reports of visions, mysterious lights and unusual phenomena are regularly witnessed–and not only in modern times, but dating back thousands of years. Could there be something about these locations that attracts extraterrestrial visitors?

The Hotspot Connection poster

The Crop Circle Code (2023)

More than 10,000 crop circle formations have been documented in over 50 countries, and many display properties that defy conventional explanations. Are they of otherworldly origin? And if so, what is their purpose? Could it be that reconnection with our alien ancestors will only come when we finally crack the crop circle code?

The Crop Circle Code poster

Mystery of the Lost Civilization (2023)

The discovery of the ancient megalithic site of Karahan Tepe in southern Turkey turned the world of archaeology on its head, displaying engineering skills far beyond what the people of the time were thought to be capable of. But could new evidence reveal that this more than 11,000-year-old complex was built not by humans…but giants?

Mystery of the Lost Civilization poster

The Power of the Obelisks (2023)

The towering obelisks of ancient Egypt weigh hundreds of tons and each was perfectly carved from a single granite rock. While mainstream scholars identify them as monuments to the pharaohs, Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest they may have served a technological purpose–they powered a technology that allowed for communication with the gods who came from the stars.

The Power of the Obelisks poster

The MUFON Files (2023)

The Mutual UFO Network is an organization devoted to the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena and other unexplained encounters; with more than five decades of investigations, MUFON's extensive database could contain proof.

The MUFON Files poster



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