Key visual of One Piece 17

One Piece 17

None | Action & Adventure,Comedy,Animation | 56 episodes
A sequence of unexpected events shakes the world order, and Doflamingo proves to be a challenge that even some of the strongest warriors cannot overcome.

23 Seasons


The Little People's Princess! Captive Mansherry! (2015)

Franky finally makes it into the factory and the Tontattas are reunited with their captive friends! But Princess Mansherry is nowhere to be found. Factory manager Kuween becomes irate when ignored and launches an attack on Franky while Señor Pink, wise to Frankie's deception, arrives on the scene ready for a manly showdown!

The Little People's Princess! Captive Mansherry! poster

Invincible! A Gruesome Army of Headcracker Dolls! (2015)

Robin, Rebecca, and Bartolomeo draw closer to the Flower Field on the fourth level of the Royal Palace plateau, but a sudden attack by Gladius' exploding spheres sends Robin and Bartolomeo hurtling towards the level below - and directly into Luffy and the others' battle with the creepy Headcracker Dolls!

Invincible! A Gruesome Army of Headcracker Dolls! poster

Risking Their Lives! Luffy is the Trump Card for Victory! (2015)

Rebecca makes it to the Flower Field alone, but unfortunately finds company there that is less than friendly! Meanwhile, Bartolomeo pushes himself to the limit in order to help Luffy advance, but does he leave himself vulnerable in the process? Meanwhile, Sabo tastes Fujitora's full might!

Risking Their Lives! Luffy is the Trump Card for Victory! poster

A Tearful Reunion! Rebecca and Kyros! (2015)

Diamante has Rebecca pinned and completely overpowered. If only the Soldier-san of her youth were able to protect her! Meanwhile, Luffy and Law finally surmount incredible odds to land themselves in striking distance of Doflamingo -- but Sugar stands in their way!

A Tearful Reunion! Rebecca and Kyros! poster

One Shot One Kill! The Man Who Will Save Dressrosa! (2015)

Usopp uses Viola's Clairvoyance to prepare his ammunition to take Sugar out! But the slightest hesitation now will spell disaster -- and the end of Luffy! Luckily for the Straw Hats, Usopp's ammunition has been specially designed for this specific situation!

One Shot One Kill! The Man Who Will Save Dressrosa! poster



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