Key visual of Made in Chelsea 12

Made in Chelsea 12

2016-10-10 | Reality,Drama | 12 episodes
It's time to peek behind the designer curtains of South West London and meet London's young socially elite, Made in Chelsea. Yes, they're immaculately dressed; yes, they are fiercely ambitious; and of course they party hard. But beyond the posh accents, fast cars and polo parties, life isn't all champagne and canapés. See the real-life rivalries and relationships that set tongues wagging and phones beeping behind closed doors on the Kings Road. Enjoy every love-in, fall out and bitch fest captured on camera and played out over eight deliciously decadent one-hour episodes.

25 Seasons


I Genuinely Believe He Thinks He's In A Disney Film (2016)

Binky is in turmoil as ex-boyfriend JP begins to make overtures to win her back

I Genuinely Believe He Thinks He's In A Disney Film poster

Every Time Francis Paints A Girl’s Heart Is Broken (2016)

After his confession of love, the clock is ticking for Binky to give JP her answer. Jamie is playing Cupid to Alex and Emily. And Francis is back from Ghana.

Every Time Francis Paints A Girl’s Heart Is Broken poster

You Have Got Naughty Little Thing Written All Over Your Face (2016)

JP and Binky's relationship meets an obstacle when Julius goes on Binky's girls camping trip, while all is not as it seems between Francis and Olivia

You Have Got Naughty Little Thing Written All Over Your Face poster

Kanye West, What Is That? (2016)

Julius annoys JP with more details about the camping trip. Emily and Alex go on a date, and tongues are wagging when Fred poses naked for Olivia's portfolio.

Kanye West, What Is That? poster

Well You Haven’t Seen My Giant Silver Ostrich (2016)

Since Fred's naked photo shoot with Olivia, Julius has noticed a certain chemistry between the two singletons. How will Francis react?

Well You Haven’t Seen My Giant Silver Ostrich poster
