Key visual of Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis 1

Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis 1

2008-01-04 | Comedy,Talk | 21 episodes

2 Seasons


Michael Cera (2008)

Zach puts Michael Cera, the Superbad and Juno star in the hot seat for this special Comedy Death-Ray interview.

Michael Cera poster

Jimmy Kimmel (2008)

Zach interviews talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.

Jimmy Kimmel poster

Jon Hamm (2008)

Zach interviews Jon Hamm of AMC's Mad Men.

Jon Hamm poster

Natalie Portman (2009)

Zach interviews Natalie Portman and her dog, Whiz.

Natalie Portman poster

Bradley Cooper (2009)

Zach chats with Bradley Cooper, star of "The Hangover."

Bradley Cooper poster


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