1994-01-21 | Animation,Comedy,Drama | 5 episodes2 Seasons
Shonan Junai-gumi! (1994)
Follows the adventures of Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma together known as Oni-Baku, Shonan's strongest fighting duo as they try to lose their virginities, while trying to survive through high-school. The series is considered the prequel to GTO showing Onizuka as a teenager before he became the world's greatest teacher.
Shonan Junai Gumi! 2 (1994)
Follows the adventures of Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma together known as Oni-Baku, Shonan's strongest fighting duo as they try to lose their virginities, while trying to survive through high-school. The series is considered the prequel to GTO showing Onizuka as a teenager before he became the world's greatest teacher.
Shonan Junai Gumi! 3 Runaway Angel of Hell (1995)
Follows the adventures of Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma together known as Oni-Baku, Shonan's strongest fighting duo as they try to lose their virginities, while trying to survive through high-school. The series is considered the prequel to GTO showing Onizuka as a teenager before he became the world's greatest teacher.
Shonan Junai Gumi! 4 Hunting Death (1996)
Follows the adventures of Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma together known as Oni-Baku, Shonan's strongest fighting duo as they try to lose their virginities, while trying to survive through high-school. The series is considered the prequel to GTO showing Onizuka as a teenager before he became the world's greatest teacher.
Shonan Junai Gumi! 5 Forever Onibaku (1997)
Follows the adventures of Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma together known as Oni-Baku, Shonan's strongest fighting duo as they try to lose their virginities, while trying to survive through high-school. The series is considered the prequel to GTO showing Onizuka as a teenager before he became the world's greatest teacher.