Key visual of The 100 7

The 100 7

2020-05-20 | Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Drama,Action & Adventure | 16 episodes
After arriving on a new planet, our heroes found a place where they hoped to try again. Clarke and Bellamy led a group down to this mysterious world to start anew, but not everything on Sanctum was as perfect as it seemed. Despite their determination to do better, threats both seen and unseen once again forced them to fight for their lives and the future of humanity.

7 Seasons



From the Ashes (2020)

Clarke and her friends attempt to rebuild Sanctum as a new threat rises in the woods.

From the Ashes poster

Directed By

Ed Fraiman


Jason Rothenberg

The Garden (2020)

Echo and Gabriel learn more about Hope and her mysterious past.

The Garden poster

Directed By

Dean White


Jeff Vlaming

False Gods (2020)

Raven faces an unexpected threat. Clarke must keep the peace among opposing factions in Sanctum.

False Gods poster

Directed By

Tim Scanlan


Kim Shumway

Hesperides (2020)

Mysterious outsiders arrive with news of Clarke's missing people.

Hesperides poster

Directed By

Diana Valentine


Sean Crouch

Welcome to Bardo (2020)

Octavia gets to know a whole new world. Meanwhile, Murphy and Emori play make believe.

Welcome to Bardo poster

Directed By

Ian Samoil


Drew Lindo


Featured Crew


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