Danganronpa: The Animation 2
2016-07-11 | Action & Adventure,Animation,Drama,Mystery | 12 episodes
The series serves as a conclusion to the storyline of Hope's Peak Academy, the elite school where the Super High School Level Despair, Junko Enoshima, played hostess to a "killing school life" among its students under the guise of the evil bear Monokuma.
3 Seasons
Third Time's the Charm (2016)
Makoto Naegi falls under scrutiny as the battle between the Future Foundation and the Remnants of Despair rages on!
Hang the Witch (2016)
Monokuma reveals the rules of his new "Monokuma Hunter" game.
Cruel Violence and Hollow Words (2016)
Monokuma's twisted game continues while Makoto tries to restore what little balance he can to the Future Foundation.
Who Is a Liar (2016)
Kyoko Kirigiri decides it's time for her to put her detective skills to work, and goes to the boardroom to investigate.
Dreams of Distant Days (2016)
Seiko Kimura and Ruruka Ando's past comes to light as the two recall how their friendship broke apart.