Key visual of Bad Education 4

Bad Education 4

2023-01-15 | Comedy | 6 episodes

5 Seasons


Rivals (2023)

Stephen and Mitchell are told one of them will be fired so go to extreme lengths to save their jobs. Meanwhile, Fraser has accidentally started printing the entire internet.

Rivals poster

Whodunnit (2023)

Stephen is determined to find out who snitched on him about Class K’s trip to a drag brunch. Meanwhile, Fraser mistakes an Ofsted inspector for a Task Rabbit.

Whodunnit poster

Prison (2023)

Hoburn tries a prison experience programme at the school to teach the kids discipline. Class K end up incarcerated with Stephen, who’s prepping an audition as a hardened criminal.

Prison poster

Trailblazer (2023)

After Class K make Stephen feel old and irrelevant on his birthday, he goes to ridiculous lengths to prove he is still a trailblazer.

Trailblazer poster

Glow Up (2023)

Stephen is desperate to get rid of Mitchell who has moved in after his girlfriend threw him out. So Class K and Stephen give Mitchell a glow up in the hope she’ll take him back.

Glow Up poster



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