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Count Arthur Strong

Comedy | 3 Seasons | Ended
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Count Arthur Strong is a faded star from the golden days of variety, prone to delusions of grandeur, selective memory loss and the blurting out of malapropisms. He was never as famous as he thinks he was... or still thinks he is. Believing that another great entertainment triumph is only a phone call away, Arthur spends his day making the most of any opportunity that comes along - gaining a free lunch or selling a dodgy foot-spa he doesn't want - creating chaos and confusion wherever he goes, blissfully unaware that he has done so.

3 Seasons

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Positive 56%
Negative 44%

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    Writer: Comedy


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Count Arthur Strong FAQ

Count Arthur Strong is a faded star from the golden days of variety, prone to delusions of grandeur, selective memory loss and the blurting out of malapropisms. He was never as famous as he thinks he was... or still thinks he is. Believing that another great entertainment triumph is only a phone call away, Arthur spends his day making the most of any opportunity that comes along - gaining a free lunch or selling a dodgy foot-spa he doesn't want - creating chaos and confusion wherever he goes, blissfully unaware that he has done so.
The genre of Count Arthur Strong is Comedy.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Count Arthur Strong is 7.6.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1951 reactions to Count Arthur Strong including luminary acting, genuinely laughing, laughing riot, side-splitting, riotous.
The full version of Count Arthur Strong is available atprovided by Hoopla
The cast of Count Arthur Strong are Steve Delaney starring as Count Arthur Strong, Rory Kinnear starring as Michael Baker, Chris Ryman starring as Bulent, Zahra Ahmadi starring as Sinem, Andy Linden starring as John the Watch.
There are Count Arthur Strong seasons of the 3.