Key visual of Better Call Saul 2

Better Call Saul 2

2016-02-15 | Crime,Drama | 10 episodes
Jimmy McGill returns with a new outlook on life and growing appetites that will push his career -- and his relationships -- into uncharted territory.

7 Seasons


Switch (2016)

Jimmy and Kim's relationship takes a new turn. Mike decides it's for the best to sever his affiliation with an unrestrained associate.

Switch poster

Directed By

Thomas Schnauz


Thomas Schnauz

Cobbler (2016)

To keep a potentially messy situation from unraveling, Mike brokers a deal. Jimmy works to exonerate an eccentric client.

Cobbler poster

Directed By

Terry McDonough


Gennifer Hutchison

Amarillo (2016)

Jimmy's client outreach efforts thrive, and he exhibits new heights of showmanship. Mike is perplexed by daughter-in-law Stacey's troubling news.

Amarillo poster

Directed By

Scott Winant


Jonathan Glatzer

Gloves Off (2016)

Jimmy's actions unexpectedly create waves for Kim. Mike cautiously weighs a lucrative proposal that might bring about dire consequences.

Gloves Off poster

Directed By

Adam Bernstein


Gordon Smith

Rebecca (2016)

Jimmy becomes frustrated with his restrictive work environment. Kim pulls out all the stops to dig herself out of a seemingly bottomless hole at HHM.

Rebecca poster

Directed By

John Shiban


Ann Cherkis


Featured Crew


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