Key visual of Rick and Morty 1

Rick and Morty 1

2013-12-02 | Animation,Comedy,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Action & Adventure | 11 episodes
Rick and Morty visit a pawn shop in space, encounter various alternate and virtual realities, and meet the devil at his antique shop.

8 Seasons


Pilot (2013)

Rick moves in with his daughter's family and establishes himself as a bad influence on his grandson, Morty.

Pilot poster

Directed By

Justin Roiland


Dan Harmon

Lawnmower Dog (2013)

Rick and Morty try to incept Morty's math teacher into giving Morty an 'A'. Meanwhile, Rick gives Jerry a device to train their dog, Snuffles.

Lawnmower Dog poster

Directed By

John Rice


Ryan Ridley

Anatomy Park (2013)

Christmas day, Rick's friend, Reuben, comes over for his annual medical checkup. Meanwhile Jerry learns his parents have a new friend.

Anatomy Park poster

Directed By

John Rice


Eric Acosta

M. Night Shaym-Aliens! (2014)

Rick and Morty try to get to the bottom of a mystery in this M. Night Shyamalan style twistaroony of an episode!

M. Night Shaym-Aliens! poster

Directed By

Jeff Myers


Tom Kauffman

Meeseeks and Destroy (2014)

When Morty thinks Rick's adventures are too dangerous, he challenges Rick to let him lead one instead.

Meeseeks and Destroy poster

Directed By

Bryan Newton


Ryan Ridley


Featured Crew


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