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Reality | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Since the dawn of time, humans have always wondered: does a perfect world exist? Now, we get the chance to build one. Will it be ultimate happiness or utter chaos? Fifteen pioneering Americans leave their everyday lives and move to an isolated, undeveloped location - for an entire year - where they are challenged to create their own civilization from scratch.

1 Season

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Negative 51%

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Utopia FAQ

The certification of Utopia is TV-14.
The genre of Utopia is Reality.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1700 reactions to Utopia including actor in the limelight, nut job, with anger issues, vision of future, for case study.
Since the dawn of time, humans have always wondered: does a perfect world exist? Now, we get the chance to build one. Will it be ultimate happiness or utter chaos? Fifteen pioneering Americans leave their everyday lives and move to an isolated, undeveloped location - for an entire year - where they are challenged to create their own civilization from scratch.
The first air date of Utopia is September 07, 2014.
There are Utopia seasons of the 1.