Key visual of House of Fools 2

House of Fools 2

2015-02-16 | Comedy | 6 episodes

3 Seasons


The Erik Affair (2015)

Vic and Bob fall out over their band's debut performance at Julie's Bistro.

The Erik Affair poster

The Botox Affair (2015)

Vic steals some unused botox equipment and decides to test it out on Julie and Bosh.

The Botox Affair poster

The Moth Affair (2015)

Vic and Bob are getting some special moves together for the big Danceathon at Julie’s Bistro.

The Moth Affair poster

The Danceathon Affair (2015)

It's the big danceathon at Julie's Bistro. Julie finds a rat.

The Danceathon Affair poster

The Lost Plot Affair (2015)

Vic and Bob struggle to find a plot for this episode.

The Lost Plot Affair poster
