Key visual of Alaskan Bush People 11

Alaskan Bush People 11

2019-12-04 | Reality | 8 episodes

15 Seasons


Wind and Water (2019)

The Brown Family kicks off their most ambitious plan to conquer the mountain yet. Bear and the siblings throw caution to the wind on a critical first project disassembling and transporting a salvaged 50-foot windmill.

Wind and Water poster

Bears of a Feather (2019)

When a hungry bear breaks into Noah's tent and spooks the livestock, the Browns suspect it is being attracted by the ranch's newest arrivals, three young ostriches. Later, the windmill assembly takes the siblings to dangerous new heights.

Bears of a Feather poster

Storm's Fury (2019)

The first major storm of the season threatens the family's progress. With a big bush wedding coming in days, the Browns race to obtain and haul much needed water tanks before the full force of the storm hits.

Storm's Fury poster

A Very Bush Wedding (2020)

The wolfpack prepares for their first ever wedding in the bush. But as the family prepares to welcome a new member, emotions run high and the Browns struggle to keep their most ambitious project on track.

A Very Bush Wedding poster

Bam Bam's Big Build and Bears (2020)

A hungry predator encroaches deeper onto North Star Ranch forcing Bird and Gabe to take stronger action. Bam must play nice with his siblings in an effort to finally break ground on his homestead. Gabe has an incredible surprise for the Wolf Pack.

Bam Bam's Big Build and Bears poster



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