Key visual of Carmilla 1

Carmilla 1

2014-08-19 | Drama,Comedy | 36 episodes
Laura Hollis is three weeks into her first semester at Silas University, where things have gotten off to a weird start. And then her roommate, Betty, mysteriously disappears after a party. A cryptic note leads Laura to believe that this isn't just a case of partying too hard. Determined to find Betty, Laura summons her inner Veronica Mars and starts her own investigation. Not at all complicating things, a mysterious girl, Carmilla Karnstein, bursts through the door, and introduces herself as Laura's new roommate. Who is Carmilla, what happened to Betty, and what's behind the strange events at Silas University?

5 Seasons


Disorientation (2014)

Laura Hollis, new college student at Silas University in picturesque Styria, Austria, is working on a journalism project documenting the weirdness of her new school. Convinced by her roommate Betty Spielsdorf to go to a party, she takes one night off - only to find a slimy note near her bed the next morning that says Betty is no longer attending the school.

Disorientation poster

Missing (2014)

Since nobody saw anything at the party or even seems to care that Betty is missing, and after endless calls with officials from Silas University to investigate her disappearance, Laura decides to take matters in her own hands and searches for her roommate by herself. Until - another roommate shows up.

Missing poster

The Roommate (2014)

As it turns out after 3 days, Betty is nowhere to be found on campus, and the girl who burst into Laura's room and introduced herself as Carmilla is in fact her new roommate - from hell. Seeking some kind of little revenge, Laura decides to get back at her and pours Carmilla's soy milk on her breakfast cereals - she really shouldn't have done that.

The Roommate poster

Freak OUT (2014)

Laura meets up with her floor don Lola Perry and Perry's friend S. LaFontaine to discuss the freaky blood that poured out of Carmilla's milk container. Ultimately, she wants to get rid of her - and Perry tries to assure her that Betty will probably return soon, like all the other girls that went missing before.

Freak OUT poster

Patterns (2014)

Laura is eager to interview the two girls that went missing before and then re-appeared and asks Perry to arrange a meeting. Enter Carmilla, who explains that the blood was a prank - sure! Enter Sarah-Jane and Natalie, who report that they can't remember anything about the time they went missing except for some creepy dreams beforehand.

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