Building Alaska 5
2016-01-05 | Documentary | 13 episodes5 Seasons
Family Legacies (2016)
The three teams kick off their builds in remote Alaskan settings. The projects include a family legacy cabin in the Wrangell Mountains, a guest cabin in Eagle Song and an island getaway near Juneau.
Alaska's Frozen Highway (2016)
Three teams continue their builds in unique, remote Alaskan settings. At this stage, they're staking the areas, going on supply runs and digging foundation holes. One team finally makes it off Alaska's frozen highway.
Bumps Outs and Burls (2016)
One Alaskan builder's team loses hands to volunteer firefighter duties and another faces a big change in temperature that changes his focus. Rough seas and some bad math put one build team behind schedule.
Hello Hoonah (2016)
One builder encounters record-breaking spring temps at the build site while another looks the other way when it comes to code on his guest cabin. One team is almost stranded by tides at their island getaway.
Location, Location, Location (2016)
Mike and his crew scramble to save the peonies in Eagle Song, Dave and Hans's 50,000 lbs of material make it to shore unharmed on Shelter Island and Adam does some precision work on his cabin in the Wrangell Mountains.